How far it is correct to say that Othello is the most romantic of all Shakespearean tragic heroes?

How far it is correct to say that Othello is the most romantic of all Shakespearean tragic heroes? Over and above the obvious generic import, the juxtaposition of the terms ‘romantic’ and ‘tragic’ hero in a single character entails a further connotation encompassing a way of life as well as a breadth of vision. Inspired … Read more

How did the Industrial Revolution influence English Literature?

 How did the Industrial Revolution influence English Literature? The Industrial Revolution ushered in an era of unprecedented prosperity in England. But on the side of debit. it converted the “merry England” into a sooty and squalid England and it also gave rise to a number of social problems which are the inevitable bane of industrialization. … Read more

Disguise And Mistaken Identity in Twelfth Night

Disguise And Mistaken Identity in Twelfth Night Shakespeare’s use of disguise and mistaken identity is significant to the plot of Twelfth Night as it is the thread that runs through the entire fabric of the play; and it is instrumental in providing confusion, misunderstanding and ultimately love almost all of the characters in this play … Read more

Michael Drayton’s Sonnet 61 “Since there’s no Help, come let us kiss and part” Summary and Analysis

 Summary and Analysis of  “Since there’s no Help, come let us kiss and part” Summary: A goodbye kiss is a painful event, but in some ways, a relief Drayton captures both those feelings, and others besides, in this sonnet The relief of closing out something obviously painful, the struggle to let Love die, the vain hope … Read more

Role and Character of Isabella in Marlowe’s play Edward II

Role and Character of Isabella in Marlowe’s play Edward II  Though drawn more elaborately than any of Marlowe’s other women, yet Isabella fails to enlist our sympathy. An insipid foil that she is, the playwright has enlarged her share in the politics of the region beyond the degree indicated in Holinshed and has made her … Read more

Elegiac elements in the Anglo-Saxon Lyrics

 Elegiac elements in the Anglo-Saxon Lyrics A Sombre mood of melancholy reflection predominates in a group of Anglo- Saxon poems; and by virtue of their lyrical quality, these poems seem to stand apart from the heroic and the religious. These poems strike the true elegiac mood and have nothing to do either with the Germanic … Read more

Character sketch of Malvolio | Malvolio an Anatomy of self love

 Character sketch of Malvolio Olivia’s puritanical steward Malvolio is the most complex and the most interesting character in Twelfth Night. Though not ‘essentially ludicrous’-(Charles Lamb) as comic characters generally are, Malvolio is far above the conventional gulls. He is branded as ‘sick’ of ‘self-love’. Olivia recognises this defect in Malvolio and says, “O you are … Read more

Issues of Gender and Race in Shakespeare’s Othello

 Issues of Gender and Race in Othello  In many of his works, William Shakespeare explores ideas of gender differences and racial tensions. Othello, a play whose characters are judged again and again based on appearances and outward characteristics, is one such work. Here, the protagonist’s different ethnic background provides a platform for probing ideas of … Read more