Religious beliefs and Practices of the Harappan people?

the religious beliefs and practices of the Harappan people?

The religion of the Indus people had some interesting aspects. There is a striking absence of any temple among the remains of the Indus Valley. However, scholars like Mortimer Wheeler and others believe that the large buildings found at Harappa and Mohenjodaro were, in fact, temples. However, Dr. Bassam has rejected this view on the … Read more

Write an essay on Paleolithic culture in India and mention the main sites where the implements of the culture were discovered.

Paleolithic culture

There are three age systems in Indian history: the idea that there was an age of stone tools, followed by one dominated by those of bronze, and then of iron. The first one is India’s Stone Age. The Indian Stone Age is divided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods. The Paleolithic age dates back … Read more

Who were the Rashtrakutas? Trace their political history from the reign of Santidurga to Amoghavarsha.


The Rashtrakutas established their momentary monastery over the Deccan on the ruins of the Chalukya empire. It is said that they were indigenous people of the country, claiming descent from the sacred Yadava family of epic fame. Some scholars like to connect the Rashtrakutas with the Telugu Reddis. It is held by some other scholars … Read more

Assess the importance of archaeology for reconstructing Ancient Indian History.

Archeological Sources for understanding Ancient Indian

Historians collect information from various sources to reconstruct history. These sources can be written documents, recorded history, or archaeological evidence. The information obtained from these sources is collectively known as the source material of history. Source materials are an essential part of historical writing. However, it should be noted that neither literary texts nor archaeological … Read more

Write about life in the Gupta age.

Gupta age

In contrast to the Maurya rulers, the Gupta kings adopted pompous titles such as parameshvara, maharajadhinja, and paramabhattaraka, which signify that they ruled over many lesser kings in their empire. Kingship was hereditary, but royal power was limited due to a lack of firm adherence to primogeniture. The throne did not always pass to the … Read more

Write about the archaeological evidence for the Iron age in peninsular India

The Iron Age Culture of Peninsular India

Megaliths, as described in The Encyclopaedia of Indian Archaeology, comprise various sepulchral and commemorative monuments. These monuments are constructed using large stones, either rough or chiseled, and are often associated with a distinct group of black-and-red ware, as well as a uniform collection of iron tools and weapons. Primarily, they represent collective burials of remains … Read more

Write about the teachings of Buddha

teachings of Buddha

Buddhism is a religion in which the teachings of the Lord Buddha are followed by saints, nuns, and lay people across the world. It is no news that it is one of the great ancient religions that emerged during the 5th and 6th C.E. Buddhism holds significance for India as it originated in the country. … Read more

Cultural life of Bengal during the Pala-Sena period.

Cultural life of Bengal during the Pala-Sena period.

After the death of Sasanka, there was anarchy and confusion for more than a century in Bengal. It was realized that the state of affairs could be improved by the establishment of a central authority in the country. As a result, the people selected ‘Gopala’ in 750 AD as their ruler, and the Pala rule … Read more

Mutual Impact of Hinduism and Islam during medieval period.

Gupta age

Though the medieval Indian society was religion-dominated, the two major religious communities (Hindus and Muslims), had broken down and all of them behaved as typical Indians. Akbar’s reign was glorified by the triumph of nationalism over the process of reaction, including communalism, racialism, regionalism and other divisive tendencies. The feeling of Indians was acquired by … Read more