Mrs. Dalloway as a stream-of-consciousness novel

Mrs. Dalloway as a stream-of-consciousness novel Modernism saw the deconstruction of ideologies and a lot of changes owing to the fragmentation caused by industrialization and World War. Writers like Virginia Woolf and James Joyce were not satisfied with the fiction of their times. Virginia Woolf who was deeply influenced by Freud and Bergson wanted to … Read more

Write an Essay on the Stream of Consciousness Novel

 Write an Essay on the Stream of Consciousness Novel “Stream of consciousness” refers to a narrative technique in non-dramatic fiction, intended to render the flow of myriad impressions – visual, auditory, tactile, associative, and subliminal that impinge on an individual’s consciousness Stream of consciousness technique as such may not always appear to have a coherent … Read more

Character of Bluntschli/Bluntschli as an anti-hero

Character of Bluntschli/Bluntschli as an anti-hero It has been said that Bernard Shaw is a “narrow interpreter of the sphere of humanity”, to borrow a phrase from Ben Jonson. He seizes on one of our common human nature and places some situations in which it is shown, or rather satirized. His characters are more like … Read more

Character of Clarissa Dalloway in Mrs. Dalloway

 Character of Clarissa Dalloway in Mrs. Dalloway Clarissa Dalloway, the heroine of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, struggles constantly to balance her internal life with the external world. Her world consists of glittering surfaces, such as fine fashion, parties, and high society. but as she moves through that world she probes beneath those surfaces in search … Read more

Mrs. Dalloway as a modern novel

 Mrs. Dalloway as a modern novel Modernism implies a break from the tradition, referring to some sort of discontinuity, treating characters as “thinking individuals, emphasizing the unconscious rather the outer, visible self. The substance of a literary work characterized as “modern” is formed by imagination and internal thought processes, and plot of such work becomes … Read more

The Pre-Raphaelite Poetry or Brotherhood

 Pre-Raphaelite Poetry or Brotherhood  The Pre-Raphaelite poetry during the Victorian era was an idealistic reaction against the didacticism, moral fervor, and pre-occupation of poets and novelists with contemporary society. A group of high-hold artists who disapproved of making literature a handmaiden of social reform and an instrument for the propagation of moral and spiritual ideas … Read more